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The energy control

The energy control
Hazardous energy control of equipment and facilities is to cut off hazardous energy (including eliminating residual energy) through hazardous energy opening and closing device, and then execute Lockout tagout to achieve zero energy state of equipment and facilities.

When the equipment and facilities need to carry out long-term downtime maintenance tasks, the Lockout tagout system is implemented in place, which can effectively eliminate potential safety hazards and ensure the safety of maintenance personnel. However, in factory production, operators may also need to enter dangerous areas of equipment and facilities for a short time to carry out task work. In this case, the standard Lockout tagout is not suitable for normal production efficiency due to cumbersome procedures. At this time, exceptions and alternatives to Lockout tagout need to be considered. To protect the operator from mechanical injury. In short, the standard Lockout tagout system is for isolated locking operations on the primary energy sources of equipment and facilities, while the alternative and exception to the Lockout tagout system is often for isolated locking operations on the secondary energy sources of equipment and facilities, namely the control loop energy sources. Common examples are safety interlocking devices.


Post time: Dec-25-2021