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Contractor lockout training requirements

Contractor lockout training requirements

Lockout training includes contractors. Any contractor authorized to service equipment must meet your lockout program requirements and be trained on the written program’s procedures. Depending on your written program, contractors may need to perform group lockout with an authorized employee.

Lockout training responsibilities of contractors
The responsibility is shared. The host employer often has greater familiarity with the energy control procedures used at the host facility; however, the standard requires the host and contract employers to inform each other about their respective energy control procedures. This coordination is necessary to ensure both sets of employees are protected from the hazardous energy.

Lockout tagout annual audits
The annual periodic inspections must be conducted by an “authorized employee” and contain at least two components:

An inspection of each energy control procedure
A review of each employee’s responsibilities under the energy control procedure being inspected

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Post time: Jun-29-2022