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General requirements for security locks and their keys?

General requirements for security locks and their keys?
LOTO/Lockout tagout is a form of hazardous energy isolation, which is used to prevent injury caused by accidental equipment start-up or energy release during maintenance, repair, adjustment, and cleaning of equipment. It is also the most mature dangerous energy control tool internationally recognized at present. The main purpose of implementing LOTO/Lockout tagout can be considered from the following aspects:

Personal safety locks should be issued according to the number of people and kept by the recipient.

A shared security lock, known as a public security lock, should be issued only when needed.

All security locks should be individually identified.

All security locks should be individually identified.

A shared security lock, known as a public security lock, should be issued only when needed.

All security locks should be individually identified.

The safety lock can only be opened with one key. During operation, the key should be controlled by the corresponding safety lock personnel.

A written procedure setting out the method of safely removing the safety lock if the key is lost or cannot be removed must be signed and authorized by a qualified person who can determine whether it is safe to open the lock.


Post time: Mar-22-2025