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  • Is Lockout tagout LOTO required by law?

    Is Lockout tagout LOTO required by law?

    Is Lockout tagout LOTO required by law? In China, there is no federal regulation issued like OSHA1910.147, but the requirement for Lockout tagout LOTO is clearly stated in many Chinese administrative regulations and national standards. Different regulations and standards involve provisions simila...
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  • “5.11″ hydrogen sulfide poisoning accident in a petrochemical enterprise

    “5.11″ hydrogen sulfide poisoning accident in a petrochemical enterprise

    “5.11″ hydrogen sulfide poisoning accident in a petrochemical enterprise On May 11, 2007, the diesel hydrogenation unit of the enterprise stopped maintenance, and the blind plate was installed in the rear flange of the new hydrogen pipeline. The low-pressure gas containing high concen...
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  • The energy control

    The energy control

    The energy control Hazardous energy control of equipment and facilities is to cut off hazardous energy (including eliminating residual energy) through hazardous energy opening and closing device, and then execute Lockout tagout to achieve zero energy state of equipment and facilities. When the eq...
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  • Power cut and Lockout tagout

    Power cut and Lockout tagout

    Power cut and Lockout tagout With industrial production efficiency continuously improve, more and more automated production line equipment and facilities, also produced a lot of security problems in the process of application, because the risk of automation equipment or facilities energy has not ...
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  • We will strengthen work safety

    We will strengthen work safety

    We will strengthen work safety At present, the situation of production safety is grim and complex. The production organization, equipment inspection and maintenance, personnel use and other aspects of all manufacturing departments and departments are different from normal ones, which indeed incre...
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  • Inspection and maintenance work safety management

    Inspection and maintenance work safety management

    Inspection and maintenance work safety management In order to do a good job in the safety management of inspection and maintenance operations of the company, implement relevant national safety laws and regulations, standards and specifications, standardize the energy locking procedures of mainten...
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  • Energy Isolating Device

    Energy Isolating Device

    Tagout is the process by which an energy-isolating device used for lockout is placed in the off or safe position and a written warning is attached to the device or placed in the area immediately adjacent to the device. The tag must identify the person who applied it and be durable and able to wit...
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  • Equipment safety work

    Equipment safety work

    Modern machinery can contain many hazards to workers from electrical, mechanical, pneumatic or hydraulic energy sources. Disconnecting or making the equipment safe to work on involves the removal of all energy sources and is known as isolation. Lockout-Tagout refers to the safety procedure used i...
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  • Energy isolation safety training

    Energy isolation safety training

    Energy isolation safety training Xianyang Project Department organized all managers to study the case of a petrochemical flash explosion accident on July 14 in the conference room. Combining the foam tank farm of pipeline construction, the project department of HSE director did a special energy i...
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  • Energy isolation for safety

    Energy isolation for safety

    Energy isolation for safety What exactly is energy isolation? Energy refers to the energy contained in process materials or equipment that may cause injury to persons or damage to property. The purpose of energy isolation is to prevent the accidental release of energy (mainly including electric e...
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  • Thinking and discussion on safe production

    Thinking and discussion on safe production

    Thinking and discussion on safe production At 12:20 PM on November 30, 2017, a petrochemical company refinery workshop ii of 1.5 million tons/year heavy oil catalytic cracking unit slurry steam generator E2208-2 during maintenance, in the process of dismantling the equipment head bundle jumped ou...
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  • Lockout tagout validation

    Lockout tagout validation

    Lockout tagout validation Since the power workshop organized the workshop management personnel and the responsible person of each process, the team leader and the repair group personnel to carry out the training on the implementation rules and operation of the energy isolation “lockout tago...
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